Friday april 14th the Adobe train visited Amsterdam on their tour through Europe, demonstrating the features and surpluss that come with AIR.As written in a Dutch magazine : "webdesign won't be the same after the introduction of Air" I went to Amsterdam with great expectations. Sadly enough I was a little disapointed, not in Air but in the presentations given on this tour.
All presentations were aimed at the webdesigner, those who allready work with Flash or at least Dreamweaver. As Air / Flex is presented as cross-browser platform, there were way too many Javascript examples (since when is Javascript cross-platform?).
So, was it a lost day?
No, not at all. The great thing was the lounge where one could program and get help from the Adobe evangalist or just sit down and discuss some items with one of them. I spend doing that most of the day.
I learned a lot (thanks Ted, Ryan, Danny and Lee) on how to play with the Flex parts and actionscript 3.
I also learned that the world of (web)developers (let's call them the Java/Ruby/PHP programmers) is a world Adobe doesn't know much about and has difficulty to contact.
Eventhough, Air will be a surpluss for Java etc. as well if the right tools and code are given.
Flex is, when used correctly, cross-platform, Actionsscript 3 is a rela programming language now but needs some conventions, Air has an internal SQL to be the perfect desktopapp which can be used on- and offline. BlazeDS gives the pushing and messaging techniques.
So, let's Flugr.